The blogging industry has now become a force to reckon with.  Considering the big number of participants involved, doesn’t it make sense to have a systematized way to learn blogging? In spite of the common perception that anyone who wants to can start and sustain a blog, the latter may be more difficult to accomplish without understanding what it takes to sustain one. Where do people go to learn blogging? Are there schools that offer blogging degrees and courses or do we simply turn to the Internet for this?

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The Internet

The Internet appears to be the default place to learn blogging. Since the online world is where it all started, it makes sense that information about blogging can be obtained here. The Internet does not disappoint. There are a lot of relevant information available about starting, maintaining, and ensuring success of blogs.

No shortage in reading materials exists when it comes to the topic of blogging but of course there are articles that are more helpful than others. Some may even have conflicting tips. It all boils down to specific needs and purposes. Webinarswhich allow interaction between “teachers and students” and all participants open up more aspects in learning to blog.

Seminars and Boot Camps

Seminars and boots camps in blogging are now being held in many parts of the world. These are actually short training activities to help interested people understand what it takes to blog. Some of the usual topics included are blogging platforms, blog themes, blog branding, blogging goals, blogging trends, social networking, digital marketing, writing tips, sourcing photos, and case studies.

The same topics can be found online but some people prefer the human interaction component. Newbie bloggers will learn soon enough that their blogs will need interaction from other blogs if they are to survive. It must be noted that there is at least one human being behind every blog and interaction will only happen if he or she says so.

Schools to Learn Blogging?

In spite of an extensive online search, I failed to find a single school that offers a blogging degree. The closest I can find were short talks conducted by experienced bloggers through the invitation of schools for the benefit of their students. However, these talks are merely done as support activities for degrees in Journalism, Marketing, or Information Technology.

In the event that blogging degrees actually come to be, schools should consider including a combination of courses that would help prepare students for actual blogging. These would probably include courses in Writing, Web Design, Photography, Videography, Marketing, and Journalism Ethics. Well, formal schooling may not be appealing to many bloggers but having the option for those who would like to pursue it is always beneficial.

My Say

I didn’t have the benefit of any formal training in blogging. However, I have the advantage of my natural love for reading and obtaining information from any possible source and I believe that has guided me along the way. That, and the small number of events and seminars that I have managed to squeeze in my busy parent schedule describe it more precisely. I would love to get any information about schools that offer formal training in blogging and place it here.

After several years of blogging, can I say that I now know everything there is to know about blogging? Definitely not! At the rate blogging is evolving, I am probably way off that point.

At this point though, I have learned enough to say that we can truly learn blogging only if we do it. After absorbing the basic information that every start-up blogger needs to know, it is time to act on it and blog. Experience has always been the best teacher and learning to blog is not an exception.