All seeking to get the big break in the culinary world (Photo Credit: The Big Break Gallery)

All seeking to get the big break in the culinary world (Photo Credit: The Big Break Gallery)

Cooking challenges are probably a dime a dozen now among television and cable shows but “The Big Break” of Asian Food Channel begs to differ.  It makes use of the familiar formula of exciting challenges, personal drama, and enticing prizes.  The difference lies in the purpose and the contestants who were given the chance to get their big break in the culinary world.

The Contestants, The Purpose, and The Prize

The 12 contestants were chosen from among the so-called disadvantaged youths of Asia.  They came from 6 countries including Mongolia, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore.  Resorts World Sentosa in Singapore (RWS) Executive Chef Alan Orreal and Indonesian Chef Farah Quinn who host the show, personally went to these countries to find the show’s final contestants.  Each potential contestant was made to cook a dish before the final selection was made.

It is worth noting that the show purposely looked for their contestants with the assistance of Voluntary Welfare Organizations and Charitable Institutions in each country.  This is to ensure that the show will get to accomplish its mission of transforming lives characterized by poverty into lives of fulfilled ambition in the culinary world.  Only 11 contestants made it after 1 contestant from Thailand encountered some problems with documentation.  These 11 hopefuls have set their eyes on the grand prize: a S$30,000 Culinary Scholarship at At-Sunrice Global Chef Academy in Singapore.

The Contest

The 13-part series which started in November 14, 2012 and will end on February 6, 2013 have been featuring the contestants in various culinary tutorials and challenges.  Because each of the contestants have their own real poignant stories to tell, each elimination becomes  a heartbreak not only for the losing contestant but to the other contestants and judges as well.  It is a good thing that nobody really loses since those sent home brings with him/her a S$2,000 Bursary and a wealth of experience which would not have been possible if they did not become part of the show.  The money is to be used to further their education back home.

“The Big Break” aims to drive these youths to fulfill their ambitions to rise above their underprivileged situation through cooking.  The show is a challenge for the contestants to empower themselves by realizing what they are capable of doing.  Win or not, each have already been given their respective big break.

The Viewers’ Contest

Weekly Contest Prize

Weekly Contest Prize

As an added incentive to watch, viewers are given the chance to win prizes by answering a weekly question and by voting for their favorite contestants for the finale prizes.

My Say

I have especially enjoyed watching this show since it started especially with the inclusion of three Filipino contestants.  My husband who is the more avid viewer of this show fortunately won the prizes shown above in their 5th weekly contest.  The bag contained a customized iPod Nano and two complimentary high tea sets at Boulangerie, Festive Hotel. The latter prize leaves us with just one problem since there are no plans for us to go to Singapore within the next six months or less.  I really hope this certificate can be put to good use instead of being wasted.

More than these reasons, I especially like the idea of providing real opportunities for life transformation for the better.  Before the final winner is announced for  “The Big Break”, these 11 contestants would know that they have brought home the bigger prize of hope with them.