Summer is usually a signal for students to keep their books, kick up their feet, and think about endless hours of fun and relaxation. Does this mean a complete halt in the learning process? Not necessarily, as students can still continue learning during summer without having to be a spoilsport.

summer break

Engage in Sports

Engaging in sports is a surefire way to learn the essence of competition, magnanimity in success and acceptance in defeat, and just being social in play form. Coupled with a genuine desire to excel, sports can be a real test of determination and capability. It teaches us to go beyond our perceived limits towards accomplishing what we always hoped we can achieve.

Acquire a New Skill

School season can hinder plans of acquiring new skills due to time and physical constraints. This is the reason why summer is the perfect time to finally plunge into those cooking or art lessons, playing a musical instrument, or discovering hidden acting or dancing talents. There is actually no limit into the possibilities as long as you want to do it.

Do Volunteer Work

Volunteer work exposes students to a different aspect of human existence. Most young people today live very sheltered lives and are not aware of the realities of poverty, dysfunctional family relations, and crime. It goes without saying though that parents or guardians should make sure that the nature of volunteer work is age-appropriate to protect the student-volunteers.

Enter an Internship Program

Many companies are offering internship programs to students interested in gaining real-life experience in the work environment. This is of tremendous help to a student’s learning process as it requires application of theories and book information to actual job situations. This set-up ensures that students will be more than ready to handle jobs when they graduate from school.

Earn and Learn with a Summer Job

What better way to learn than to earn from it as well? It’s a win-win situation especially if students are lucky enough to land summer jobs connected to their line of study. Whatever it is though, every experience contributes to learning.

My Say

The above suggestions for students to continue learning during summer break are just some of the more productive activities open to students. There is nothing to stop students from taking summer classes whether as remedial or advanced to expedite graduation. Nor is there anything to stop students from completely taking it easy by going on trips, being with friends, or even sleeping the whole summer off. After all, that is the essence of summer vacation – the luxury of being away from deadlines and tests for at least two months. What, we may ask can we learn from this? That is the truth that our minds and bodies need a break every once in a while by doing absolutely nothing. Just take care not to prolong it lest it becomes a hindrance to what you can be.