Laser eye surgery is a procedure of choice for those that simply cannot live with vision problems anymore. It has been a popular surgery since the late 1980’s and since then, there have been millions of people that have opted to improve and even cure their poor sight. Laser eye surgery is able to combat most sight related eye conditions including long and short sightedness.


As with any medical procedure, there are some risks involved and it is important to weigh up the positives and negatives before going ahead with anything. Licensed surgeons are able to discuss any worries patients may have and dispel serious concerns. Clinics such as Optimax are devoted to curing the vision problems that affect a person’s quality of life and they ensure each and every patient is at ease and understands the ins and outs of the surgery. Laser eye surgery is most common amongst those aged between 30 and 40, with those aged over 40 being the ones that turn to the procedure the most.

If you are over 40 and are considering laser eye surgery, there are some things you may want to know…

•           100,000 Britons a year undergo Laser Eye Surgery

•           68% of the UK population rely on some form of vision correction

•           Age heavily impacts eyesight with those never having poor vision experiencing it after the age of 40

•           Those who have always experienced poor vision will find that with age comes deterioration

•           Different procedures are available depending on vision severity and patient age

•           Being over 40 means your eyes may be damaged on a long term basis and although the surgery will repair some of the damage, vision problems may still occur although dramatically less severe

•           Once reaching the age of 40, the eye muscles begin to weaken and the ability to change the shape of the lens inside the eye is lost

•           This condition is known as Presbyopia and is incredibly common amongst those that are 40+

•           Short sightedness is also a common occurrence. The light enters the eye at the front and leaves images distorted and blurry

•           Monovision is the most popular result that patients over the age of 40 tend to desire when looking into laser eye surgery

•           Monovision focuses on two main causes of poor vision: Distant vision and Near vision. The specific surgery focuses on correcting one eye that has problems with distance and the other eye that cannot correlate close objects.

Age takes its toll on the human body and the effects can appear quite quickly. Vision is something that is important to all of us and there is no greater relief than finding a solution to sight conditions that can plague lives and be a constant source of worry.  Although there are risks involved, sometimes the very small risk of something going wrong can be outweighed by the benefit and the result that will be achieved. More people over the age of 40 have turned to laser eye surgery to prevent constant and severe vision problems and are determined not to let the effects of aging control the way in which they live their lives.

Guest Post

About the Author

Debbie Fletcher is a freelance writer who loves to inform and spread her knowledge of the health industry. She is also an avid cook, and loves to travel.

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