Guide to Building a Steam Room at Home

A steam room is a great place for relaxation, especially after a particularly busy and stressful week. Going to the spa can be costly and could take a lot of time, especially if there isn’t one near your place. So, why not build your own instead?

Photo by HUUM on Unsplash

Pros & Cons of Using a Steam Room
A steam room can be great for:

  • Relaxation and de-stressing
  • Reducing congestion
  • Lowering joint stiffness
  • Improving circulation
  • Improving skin health
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Workout and exercise recovery

Benefits of Having Your Own Steam Room

It you aren’t sold to the idea of building your own steam room, these benefits might change your mind:

  • You have a steam room to relax in anytime you need it. There’s really no need to travel to anywhere or pay each time you want to use one. It’s a one-time investment.
  • It’s private so you’re sure about its cleanliness – and that’s really important for hygienic purposes, especially amid a pandemic. While it’s true that heat can deactivate viruses, it’s still great to be sure that you’re only one using your steam room.
  • You can share it with your family (and some select friends), if you want.

How to Build a Steam Room

Step 1. Choose the location.

The location should ideally be near your bathroom or shower area, but you can also pick to place it anywhere in or even outside your house.

Do you want a steam room that you can also use for other purposes (such as taking a shower) or a separate room dedicated just for steaming?

You can build on an old shower room or start from scratch. It’s really up to you.

Advantages of Using an Old Shower Room

  • You already have an existing structure that’s also likely to be waterproof.
  • Plumbing and drainage systems are already in place.
  • It will probably cost you less to build the steam room over an existing structure – just make sure the ceiling is lower and the place is sealed off so the steam can’t escape.

Advantages of Building from Scratch

  • It’s likely to be more expensive but it can look more beautiful and you’ll have more options to choose the style.
  • You can build it anywhere you want.

Step 2. Create your steam room design.

There are lots of design ideas you can find on the internet that you can follow in making your own steam room. But you can also create any design you want from scratch.

Step 3. Choose your materials.

Remember to always choose materials that can handle moisture and heat for your steam room. Stone, bricks, and even ceramic tiles can be great options.

But wood would also look fantastic! If you pick wood, choose one that can withstand heat and moisture – many spas use cedar but ask your local supplier for their recommendations.

Note that if you’re using wood, make sure you coat it with waterproofing sealants and paint. You also have to regularly check for damage to ensure the wood doesn’t rot.

You’ll need a steam generator for your steam room. The size, power, and price can vary depending on the size of your steam room. You can ask for recommendations from your local hardware.

Don’t forget to get an indoor wall thermometer, too.

Step 4. Build your steam room.

Using the design you prepared, build your steam room.

Once done, don’t forget to add some form of vapor barrier in spots that open, such as the door.

Check whether everything was installed properly and whether your steam generator can actually heat up the room to your desired temperature.

Once you’re done with the safety checks, you can enjoy your steam room.