If our water-drenched front door is any indication of what we went through when Typhoon Glenda ravaged our area, I can say that it is just a tip of it. Outside our doors, huge trees fell and downed electrical posts. All sorts of debris were scattered representing damage in homes and personal properties. The early morning of July 16, 2014 ushered in a day where humans had no choice but to bow down to human nature.


The Ordeal

The day before was deceiving enough. The sun was shining bright, giving no indication of what will happen the next day. The first signs came towards the night through slightly strong winds which caused some sort of unease within me. Never the less, we all went to sleep uneventfully.

My husband was the first one to be up at about 2 am. The polycarbonate roofing in our garden was making so much noise as the strong howling winds threatened to lift it off. He was trying to tie it up with rope and when that didn’t work he placed two metal clamps on it. Fortunately, it held on just until the winds quieted down or so we thought. After a short respite, the winds changed courses and continued battering everything that was on its way. It was horrific and we prayed like we never did in our whole lives.


The Damage

The damage we saw in the village where we stayed was replicated in many more areas outside the confines of our walls. Age-old trees were down, parts of proud structures were gone and electricity was gone. Water service connected to electricity was likewise gone. Cable service and Internet connection were non-existent. It was a scary and depressing situation to be in, especially to most of us who have taken modern conveniences for granted like it would always be there.

The feeling of helplessness without electricity, water, and any form of communication is almost unbearable but we humans can survive those. We actually came from such circumstances. As humans once again bowed down to mother nature, we are reminded time and again to take better care of it so we will not suffer the consequences of abusing it.

My Say

The natural occurrences we are experiencing are getting scarier by the minute. Is there any way at all to prevent this? Maybe we can all start with environment care hopefully to lessen the impact of disasters when they come. Maybe, just maybe, it is not yet too late.