The Pandemic’s Effect on Education

The Covid-19 Pandemic practically forced online learning at home. With the continuing health threat hanging over our heads, schools became deserted structures as homes became default classrooms for students enrolled in online classes. It is a situation which sends school authorities, parents, and students, reeling in a way no one ever imagined possible.

Empty School Classrooms

Empty school classrooms became a common sight once standard health protocols were put in place. While education remains a high priority, health is obviously a higher one if we are to expect teachers and students to be back after all this is over. The shift to online learning caught many schools and students unprepared.

It brought to light the many limitations in terms of logistics and the capability of teachers to handle online teaching and of students to absorb online learning sans face-to-face classroom setting. Social media is abuzz of personal difficulties encountered both by teachers and students. Never has the inefficiency of our current internet connectivity been more glaring than now.

There was not much time left to make a smooth shift. The Covid-19 pandemic is unchartered territory even to world-renowned medical experts. Educational leaders were taking their cue from them but definitely nothing was certain, even up this time. Schools are now tasked to find a way to bring learning to the students in whatever way possible.

The educational system was not spared from the economic effects of the pandemic. A number of schools, including institutions that have survived wars and natural disasters, were forced to close down. Low student enrollment made it extremely difficult to sustain the business side of brick and mortar schools.

Homes as the New Classrooms

With the temporary closure of schools, homes became the new classrooms of teachers and students who chose to pursue education under the current situation. Some teachers still reported to the physical school to have reliable internet access. Students used their bedrooms or whatever place is available at home that will make studying possible.

Many homes were not prepared as well. Teachers and students who have reliable internet access and a space to use for learning are fortunate. Many have to deal with going to a relative, neighbor or a public place with internet connection just to attend classes.

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Online classes require much discipline on the part of the students. The tendency to be lax is great in the home atmosphere. It is no wonder that many parents feel that the burden of enforcing school rules have been transferred to them.

As many homes try to cope, it is inevitable that people look for support from local government units or even the national government. Such support is needed if we are to provide a level playing field for all learners.  There is a need to make sure that students will have access to the needed technology whether it be inside or outside the school.

My Say

Like many other parents, I support my children’s efforts in their quest for continuous learning while at home. I have personally witnessed their frustration from being disconnected from the class due to internet issues, from not being able to interact with their classmates as freely as they would want to, or for simply missing the traditional classroom set-up.

I just remind them that they are still in a better position than other students, in spite of the challenges they are encountering. It is a good thing to remember as parents that surviving this Covid-19 ordeal and using it for learning is the most important lesson that needs to be retained. Once our children realize this, then we would have sent them to a good start in life.