January is always a busy month for our family. This is largely because of the bulk of activities my children have in school due to the annual celebration of the feast of their school’s patron saint. Parents would readily understand that when our children are busy, chances are, so are we, if not more.

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Journey to Good Health Starts Now

There is the seemingly unending rehearsals for the Foundation Day presentation. Since it is impossible to totally do away with studies during this time, there are also assignments, projects, and group presentations to attend to. Needless to say, this is a particularly taxing time for everyone in the family. That is why January is always the right time for us to jumpstart our journey to good health.

The beginning of the year is always an exciting time to start good habits and practices especially when it comes to the health aspect. This is in the hope that we can maintain these practices all throughout the year to minimize sickness, if not totally avoid it. Here are some ways we go about it.

Tried-and-Tested Health Tips

1. Eat Healthy

Most of us are familiar with the saying that “we are what we eat”. It is not a grandmother’s tale at all. We should try our best to get a balanced diet from all possible sources of nutrients such as meat, fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates, and others. The key to eating healthy is moderation and balance.

2.  Get Sleep and Rest

Our bodies need to recover through sleep and rest to ensure continuous proper functioning. You are doing your body a great disservice by thinking that you can stretch it out to its limits without having any negative consequence. Many fatal diseases can result from long-term sleep and rest deprivation.

3.  Have a Regular Exercise Routine

Regular exercise routine need not be rigorous to be beneficial to our bodies. The important thing is that it is done consistently and is apt to our physical condition. Walking is a family favorite since it is something that all of us can do without much difficulty but still provide the needed challenge to make a difference.

4.   Proactively Protect Yourself

Proactively protecting yourself simply means observing proper preventive measures from getting sick. This will include staying away from sick people or areas with identified health concerns and washing your hands as often as possible to avoid bringing the contaminants to ourselves. Be responsible for your personal health care as no one will always be there to remind you.

5.    Regular Intake of Vitamins 

It is not always possible to get all the nutrients we need from the food we eat. Regular intake of vitamins provide us the supplement for nutrients we are missing out on. For our family, except for my youngest daughter who takes Ceelin Chewables, Conzace, is the vitamin of choice. Incidentally, both are manufactured by Unilab.


My Say

We can do so much more when we are healthy. The problem is that we often do not appreciate health until we see the other side of it. While we are luckier today that many cures have been discovered to the varying illnesses affecting us humans, there is still no substitute for good health. So why don’t you jumpstart your own health journey NOW and get to enjoy life more.
