Online paid surveys have been providing an additional way of earning for many people for some time now. We have probably heard about some who enjoy a steady stream of considerable income and some others who get occasional earnings from answering surveys.  It is quite clear that there are earning opportunities in paid surveys. However, it should be equally clear as well that participants will have to bring their earning expectations to a realistic level if they are to benefit at all from this activity.

Image Source: flickr/CJ Isherwood

Image Source: flickr/CJ Isherwood

What is a Paid Survey and What is it For?

A paid survey is a form of statistical survey which requires participants to answer questions about personal and economic habits based on their respective demographics. In exchange, respondents are given an incentive which typically comes in the form of cash. Other forms of incentive include points that can be redeemed for prizes, sweepstakes entries, or sometimes the product itself.  Not everyone qualifies for every survey as choice of participants would depend on the product or service for which the survey is being done for.

Companies are willing to pay for surveys for marketing reasons. They are hoping to see answers that will lead them in correctly targeting the right people. In essence, they are paying to hear the opinion of real consumers. Chosen participants therefore will not need any skill in answering surveys since there will be no right or wrong answer as the survey is after opinions. Some surveys though have stricter pre-qualifications for products that require specific expertise to come up with a relevant answer.

Where to Find Paid Survey Opportunities

There are many research and survey companies that offer paid survey opportunities online. It is very important to choose a reputable company to ensure that participants get exactly what they signed up for. The process is very straightforward and is simple as signing up for a paid survey site, completing a member profile, and waiting for e-mail invitations to participate in surveys.

A website which connects users with reputable survey panels that send out survey invitations and really pay can make the process a lot easier. It makes participating in multiple survey panels very manageable. Participants just need to go to one place to have access to many legitimate survey opportunities which saves time and trouble. It is best to choose one that provides the right tools as well to do it right.

Not All Surveys Are Created Equal

Obviously, the surveys that people need to stay away from are those that will only lead to disappointment and unrealized expectations. These are also known as scam surveys. Legitimate surveys do not require payment of membership fee nor do they promise a set income. It has to be noted that earnings from surveys will depend on the number of surveys participants are qualified for and the amount of time they are willing to provide in answering them.

Paid survey platforms should also be very clear on how participants are expected to be rewarded for their efforts. There should also be a privacy policy in place so participants understand what they are getting themselves into. Participants can maximize their earning opportunities by making sure that their profiles are constantly updated to ensure inclusion in all relevant surveys.

My Say

To think that doing paid surveys can substitute for regular work in terms of income is probably a bit too ambitious. With a very few exceptions, paid surveys can be better appreciated as additional earning rather the main source. Participants just need to exercise due diligence to make sure that they are joining only  legitimate survey sites. Getting the most out of participating in online paid surveys lies in the attitude. If you see it as a chance to earn while having the opportunity as well to help shape future products and services that consumers like us will be given, then you are on the right track.