I have seen the story of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet interpreted so many times and in so many ways, I’ve lost count. Sometimes I feel I can no longer be surprised by another interpretation. Once again I was proven wrong when I watched Dulaang Unibersidad ng Pilipinas’ “#R</3J“, an entirely different take on this timeless masterpiece dubbed as a multimedial hallucination, using the spoken language of the young and the universal language of dance.


The DUP 40th Season Opener

Dulaang Unibersidad ng Pilipinas (DUP) opened its 40th Theatre Season with “R</3J“, directed by no less than DUP’s Artistic Director Dexter Santos. At first glance, it looks like an ambitious adaptation of a classic that is more identified with dialogue, flowery words, if you must. That can be a real challenge especially when trying to come up with a play that will appeal to the young, a generation that is admittedly not very known for its patience for “boring” stuff.

The adaptation in itself was a challenge as admitted by Guelan Varela-Luarca, the person behind this incredible re-telling of the famous star-crossed lovers’ story.  Some Shakespeare lovers may find this interpretation unsettling if not sacrilegious. However, failing to watch the play may prove to be disadvantageous than not, particularly for those who realize that embracing the artistic path will not always be comfortable.

Classic Story,Contemporary Twists

Every interpretation of a classic will bank on its reliable formula consisting of a familiar story. Every attempt however to reinvent the story opens up opportunities for innovation and twists. DUP Romeo and Juliet #R</3J is a very good example of how a classic story is successfully reinvented.

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It uses the basic story of two lovers coming from feuding families and of course the expected difficulties they had to endure being such. The Montague family is represented by  the Montes family headed by a trapo (traditional politician) while the Capulets are represented by the Capule family, headed by a movie star turned politician. But similarities between the classic version and this interpretation end right there. Instead of taking place somewhere in Verona, Italy, the play is set at the heart of Verona, Metro Manila.

The play therefore can be said to be a true story of sorts based on what is actually happening in the Philippines, specifically pertaining to national affairs and the realities faced by the present generation. There was generous use of trending topics as seen on social media. The striking familiarity of the scenes presented made it very easy for the audience to identify with them, thus eliciting expected reaction of recognition and laughter on numerous occasions. That connection factor is what I believe is the strongest point of this play, as it was very easy to see beyond the bold theme, the potent choreography and the frequent expletives that effectively categorized the play as not suitable for audience below 16 years old.

My Say

I do not pretend to be an expert on stage plays but I believe I know an excellent play when I see one.  I saw the professionalism of each and every person connected to the production and I’m really at awe at how seasoned and young performers blended so well in performing. The play required so much physical strength  and emotional sensitivity from the actors and it was truly a marvel at how they were able to sustain it all throughout. DUP Romeo and Juliet #R</3J, is truly an exceptional play and that is coming straight from someone who does not use any other measure of standard other than the power of a play to make me say that watching it was worth my time.