Cooking as a Lifestyle

What happens when cooking food becomes your lifestyle? “Slaving in the kitchen” is not necessarily bad, especially if preparing food is something that you love to do. Cooking as a lifestyle brings about immediate benefits such as greater control over the quality of food we eat, not to mention the cost. Let’s take a closer look on how cooking can provide more benefits than we expect.

Healthier Food

Having control on what and how much of ingredients we put in dishes we prepare gives us an opportunity to take better care of our health. While store-bought food is convenient, it is very rare that food stores entertain adjustments in taste for health reasons. Home cooking also allows us to avoid ingredients that a family member may be allergic to.

Lower Cost

Cooking our own food at home makes it possible to adjust to our budget. It is recommended to buy ingredients in season to take advantage of the lower cost. Menu planning can work around these ingredients which are readily available to make sure that variations are done. This is to avoid making meals less exciting because of repetitive use of an ingredient.

Family Bonding

Home cooking presents valuable opportunities to bond with family members. Eating becomes a lot more enjoyable when food is prepared with people we love. The old adage that “Too many cooks spoil the broth” can literally be prevented by assigning a specific dish or work like cutting vegetables, to each member. This way, order is retained even when many members are moving in the kitchen. Of course, this also prevents just having one family member do everything when others can help.

Business Opportunity

When one becomes exceptionally good in cooking, a business opportunity arises. Requests from relatives and friends to buy prepared dishes for their own consumption once they tasted them is a sign that a cook is into something good. It is time to share the gustatory delight experienced in one’s household to others. Selling to customers is like taking care of an extended family through one’s cooking.

My Say

Cooking has long been a passion of mine. It just took a backseat when I joined the corporate world. Now that I’m back to cooking, I will continue a family legacy that is Ambos Mundos Restaurant thru AmbosMundosPH – Food Delivery. Never have I have been happier in pursuing this passion. I hope you find yours too.