after-holiday tips

Who needs after-holiday tips?  One way or the other, everyone does.  There is so much to do after the holidays although these can be addressed one at a time to enable people to get back in track after relaxing on the usual control they place on themselves.

1.  Taking down Christmas decor is not as fun as putting them up so getting help in doing it may present some problem.  Make it as enjoyable as possible by holding a “party” of sorts with family members and friends.  It would be wise to take the opportunity as well to organize storage of decors  so succeeding decor activities will be convenient.

2.  Have linens, sheets , and other items used for the Season cleaned before keeping them in storage.  This will not only lengthen their useful life but also eliminates possible pest infestation due to some food particles remaining on them.  Have the items requiring professional cleaning services sent to a reliable service provider.  It is not always advisable to do-it-yourself especially if it will result to possible irreparable damage.

3. Consider giving away “double gifts” received.  Instead of adding to the pile of unused things at home, it might be a good idea to make it useful to other people.  Selling them is also another option  especially if the intention is to buy another item that is actually needed.  Gift recipients who are considering this option should always take note of the etiquette pertaining to disposal of gifts received, taking care not to give back the gift to its original giver or creating ill-feelings arising from the sentimental value attached to the gift.

4. Over-eating during the holidays may require people to detoxify themselves by going back to healthy eating and regular exercise routine.  There is nothing worse for the body than to allow indulgence in food and then forego the healthy alternative all-together.  The faster people can get back on track health-wise, the better.

5.  Overspending during the holidays will require a much stricter rein on finances for the months to follow to offset the deficit to ensure that such a situation is only temporary.  This is best addressed at once so the holiday expenses will not be a carry-over burden on the incoming year. This will also be a way of preparing for the next holidays which come year in and year out anyway.

6.  Sort gifts and send thank-you notes to givers.  This simple act creates so much goodwill among people that it should not be taken for granted.  An attitude of thankfulness is much more desirable than an attitude of gripe for unfulfilled expectations.

7. The time after the holidays usually provide a window for quiet time,however small.  This can be used as an opportunity for honest self-assessment to find ways of making life a little better every year.  Plans and goals may have to realistically adjusted although there is nothing wrong with pursuing well-founded dreams and ambitions.

My Say

Holidays are always full of expectations but the aftermath is usually the more difficult part.  It is a reality that no one can avoid.  It is best therefore to keep in mind applicable after-holiday tips.